Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Making True Friends

Way back of 1988, I remember this experience of mine. We have diaries for our daily chores in school and our home, it's for our English subject. Everyday our teacher check this diaries. Here it goes:

I had one of those days when nothing goes right. I was walking home from school, thinking about how bad it was, when Sarah caught up with me. She know I'd had a bad day. She started talking about our lesson and some other stuff. Soon we were laughing, and I forgot about my bad day. When we got to my house, she had to hurry home to meet her mom. She had walked with me just to cheer me up. I've been sitting here thinking about that because it just made me feel good. Friends do that, don't they?

It's a great feeling to have a friend who cares. I had learn how to make friends. It didn't just come naturally. I have had good friends and people that only pretended to be my friends. Learning to tell the difference can be kind of confusing, so I tried making a list of the things I've been learning about friendship.

Here's what I think makes A GOOD FRIEND
Maybe you can think of other things:
  • You can trust friends--friends don't tell your secrets. They are honest with you. You don't have to worry that they are talking behind your back.
  • Friends stand up for you-- real friends don't make fun of you in front of others. They are on your side. They will be there for you, no matter what.
  • Friends Care about you--friends put your needs ahead of their own. They understand when things aren't going well, and they try to help.
  • Friends Accept you--in real friendship things like skin color, family background or culture don't even matter. They accept you, and you accept them.

After I made the good-friend list, I made a list of what bad friends do:
  • Pressure you into doing things that aren't right
  • Insult you, judge you, gossip about you
  • Don't care about what you have to say
  • Don't support what's important to you
  • Try to control how you act and think
  • Tell lies about you behind your back
If a "friend" starts doing these things, it's a big signal to find another friend. Having no friend is better than having a bad one. One way to say it better is that it's a friend's character (who they really are on the side) that determines whether they would make a good friend or not.

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