Thursday, March 12, 2009

Simple Tips
  • To keep ice cream from melting so quickly, serve it in a clay pot. First, soften a pint of your favorite flavor(microwave for 15 seconds), then pack into foil-lined pots. Cover, freeze, and bring to the table.
  • Do you have old placemats? Don't throw them out just yet. Revive them by making bits and pieces out of the "good" parts. trace circles and cut to make coasters; form squares and cut to make borders for photos or picture frames; or cut the designs and keep for crafts project later.
  • Create a mini family gallery with a ribbon and children's hair clips. With sewing machine, stitch buttonholes into the ribbon (or just use a hole punch). Insert a clip through each hole and attach the photos. It's easy to swap in new shots whenever you like.

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