Monday, March 9, 2009


Ten Habits of Healthy Women

Are you healthy? If you are clueless about your own well-being, don't worry, I read this advice from my health magazine. We believe it's our role to look after other people first, so we think about our husbands and children before we take care of ourselves. We know about well-baby clinics, but we don't have well-women clinics. Women should understand that they need to take care of themselves even they feel well.

  1. WATCH YOUR WEIGHT-- women are much more likely to have diabetes than men, and the risk increases markedly as one grows older.
  2. DON'T SMOKE--if you do, stop!Tobacco use will drain nearly 20% of the household income of smokers' families" not only due to the cost of cigarettes, but also due to the increased cost in health care.
  3. PRESERVE YOUR FERTILITY--I've seen many women who have been having dysmenorrhea or irregular periods for a long time and still they don't seek advice.
  4. PERFORM A SELF-BREAST EXAM REGULARLY-- u can inspect your breasts in front of a mirror with arms on your sides and then above your head.
  5. GO FOR A YEARLY PAP SMEAR-- go to your gynecologist, early detection of cervical cancer more than makes up for the discomfort.
  6. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED-- most common of which is vitamin A deficiency, cataracts are another common cause of blindness.
  7. MAKE SURE YOUR WORK KEEPS YOU HEALTHY AND HAPPY-- you have to help create safe and healthy workplaces, whether you are full-time mother, homeworker, factory line assembler, sales lady, or office worker. Do not allow your work , or yourself, to be valued less.
  8. WORK ON YOUR RELATIONSHIPS-- technology allows us to communicate easily. Send a simple text message to your husband or boyfriend saying 'how are you?' It's simple, but it makes a big difference.
  9. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY BALANCE IN EVERYTHING YOU DO-- work-life balance also means finding time for all aspects of your life.
  10. RESERVE AN HOUR EVERY DAY FOR DOING SOMETHING YOU ENJOY-- it doesn't have to be complicated, you can write, play a computer game, call a friend, or just lie down. Setting even just one hour for yourself everyday will go far in helping you keep your sanity. Women need to have some time for themselves to relax and have fun. Life is short, so enjoy every minute.

1 comment:

  1. a good post c; thanx for sharing and for the visit too c:
