Tuesday, December 2, 2008

" I DO"????

Are You Really Meant For Each Other?

"You know his good and bad sides, his every quirk and habit. You know you LOVE him and would like to be with him but do you really know what it means to be married. Are you ready to commit to one person...FOREVER?

You have been in the relationship for five years or more. He goes down on his knees and asks you to marry him. In your mind you picture yourself in a beautiful wedding gown, walking down the aisle with your friends and family happily looking on and thinking it's the most wondrous moment of your life. But that's just the BEGINNING. After you get back from the honeymoon, there's a whole lifetime to share with that other person you've married. How do you know it's time to say yes when he asks for your hand in marriage? Is it when you have enough money for the big wedding party? When you reach the RIGHT age? When do you know that you absolutely love the person you're in a relationship with? Think about that????? And learn this TIPS.


According to the Director of the Center for Family Ministries(CEFAM), aside from knowing your partner deeply and yourself as well, you will only be ready for marriage when you have developed a true sense of self. This is when you've come to know who you are and what you want in life. You have come to love and understand your uniqueness and come to terms with the positive as well as the negative sides of your personality. When you accept your own individuality, you become equipped to accept the 'different-ness' of your partner. This acceptance of your partner's entire being and your own knowledge, skills and level of maturity in handling various situations will be a good assessment of readiness. Having attained this level of maturity is a good gauge of your readiness for marriage. A good way to tell if you're there is to observe yourself. Do you htink of the well-being of your partner more than your own? Do you care about him? Are you open and intimate in sharing your thoughts and deepest feelings with him?


To be married, means to consciously embrace a future that will allow love to flourish and will push the couple toward a new dimension of consciousness characterized by a union of the I and YOU to form WE. 'WE' is not there to invalidate or dissolve the 'I'. Rather, it is there to allow the emergence of the fullness of their individuality by initiating growth in each other as a couple involved in the task of acceptance, healing and grace in their lives. Marriage is a very special kind of relationship between a man and a woman whose individual lives have been offered to each other, to reach their fullest potentials in terms of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual growth. It is important to note that in a marriage, one not only loves unconditionally but feels unconditionally loved as well.

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